2nd Email Beauty Blog Chat - Tonight 8pm (GMT +1)

It's Sunday again which means time for the second Email #bbloggers blog chat! Think I'm even more excited for this one as I know how well last weeks went so I'm not feeling too worried about not enough people joining in! 

I thought I'd tell you all the most favoured topic of tonight so that you can get your brains in gear and start thinking about how you feel about the whole subject. The topic is...

How should PR agencies work with beauty bloggers? 

Now the topic does leave out newer beauty bloggers slightly but I'm hoping the question and theme of it is so broad that anyone will be able to contribute or even just observe. I'm also aware the question is kind of stating that PR's aren't doing a very good job in working with beauty bloggers but I've definitely had some really good experiences with different companies and some not so good. So hopefully it won't be too negative but more helping PR's and our selves move forward and work together better. 
I also think it would be good to talk about how we communicate as beauty bloggers with PR companies and beauty brands - Maybe we need to be more open with our statistics and what our own guidelines for blogging are so that we don't have the dilemma of receiving something we don't really want to review or has been set a time schedule for when it has to be reviewed/mentioned.

As for rules - Mainly keep it fun as there is no need to be annoyed my a difference in opinion. Of course NO spamming, which means no talking about what your favourite foundation is or tweeting your newest blog post! Also as the timeline does go so fast when a lot of people are tweeting all at one time I'd love it you could remove the #bbloggers hash tag when re-tweeting any of the tweets you like. Or re-tweeting your favourite tweets after the hour is up... just so we aren't all seeing the same tweet over and over again and can all keep up a bit better!

And that is it! I'm really looking forward to talking openly with you all on the subject as it's something that will only continue grow in the future and will become integral to blogging!

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