Overview of the 1st #bbloggers chat & this Sunday's topic ideas!

Firstly I have to thank everyone that joined in and gave there suggestions on how to gain readers. I really was overwhelmed by the amount of people that took part and even more overwhelmed when the #bbloggers hash tag became the number 1 trending topic in the UK. How crazy!

It was definitely a positive experience and one I'm definitely looking forward to doing again on Sunday (22nd May 8pm GMT+1) with a totally new topic. I really was unsure of how many people would participate (I thought maybe around 20 or so people) but the number was just huge and I think really confirmed to everybody how passionate we all are! If you didn't join in last week or want to know more about what the bbloggers hash tag is then here are all the details.

Due to the amount of tweets in the hour it was hard to keep up and there was a lot of Re-tweets. Of course I can't slow down the rate of every ones tweets but it would be more than helpful for everyone I think if we re-tweet any tweets without the #bbloggers hash tag on the end - so it doesn't clog up the live thread or RT at the end of the hour. Also spam did happen, not by very many people I have to say - but hey ho and all that just please don't let it put you off! As for the transcript it just proved too difficult sadly, though this week I have the help of the wonderful Email savvy Liloo @tsunimee.

Here are the key points I took away from the first #bbloggers chat on "How to gain readers" but also make sure to check out Sabrina's post for a really good summary of the hour. 

  • Lots of no-no's kept popping up during the chat mainly no music, no swearing in posts and if you want more readers to leave comments remove word verification!
  • Email is a must! If you have a blog and don't have Email, get it! Definitely makes you more personable and 100% gets more people reading and knowing about your blog. 
  • Vary your content - There was quite a bit about content and how alot didn't love the blogs that only talked about high end products and also most people do like the odd personal post to get to know the blogger better - which is something I need to stop fearing and do abit more of in the future! 
  • Good pictures are a must so learn how to get the most out of your camera, lighting and background.
  • Engage with the readers you have - Reply to comments, check out there own blog if they have one, chat to them on Email. Kindness will get you a long way in the beauty community and you will definitely have fun doing it. 
  • Think about your layout. Make it easy to navigate and simple!

Even though I've been blogging for over a year now and do have more than enough readers I really did learn quite alot from the chat as I'm sure alot of you did!

Anyways onto this Sunday's topic! Like last week here are three suggestions which I'd love to know your favourite of by either tweeting @makeup_savvy or you can leave comment at the bottom of this post!

How should PR companies work with beauty bloggers? - Pr's are still learning about this 'new media' but are they barking up the wrong tree? Do free little extra gifts need to stop? Are blogger events even needed and most importantly what would help bloggers the most.

Are product disclaimers needed? - Is it right that you have to disclaim free products by law in the US? How do people feel about a review of a free product and do people deserve to know.

Earning money from Beauty Blogging - Is it even possible? Can you make it a full time job and how do people view a blog that makes money!

I will post the topic for the #bbloggers Email chat on here on Sunday afternoon and hopefully you can all join in at 8-9pm (GMT +1)! 

Fee x

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