Overview of #bbloggers chat No.3 with Transcript!

As per usual the Email chat last Sunday went great and I'm sure everyone that joined in learnt something new and had fun! 

I was especially pleased that it didn't get heated or became a chat that was just about the 'don'ts' of promoting your blog, as I for one don't believe that blogging should have rules. It was just a really good informative hour full of tips from lots of different bloggers. 

Like last week I have provided a summary of the chat below with some of the key points that were raised and also a full transcript of the chat (thanks to the beautiful Liloo) that you can view in full and online. 

Helpful tips on how to promote your beauty blog 

Social networking is essential 
This came up time and time again throughout the hour! Email and Facebook being the most rated and most mentioned choices. If you already have a beauty blog or are even thinking about starting one, get yourself on Email (if you already haven't) and get chatting! It really is a must.... and can also be a lot of fun. 

Leave comments on other beauty blogs
This again is a must especially when you are starting out, set time aside to comment on other people's blogs with nice, genuine, sincere comments. Which also means you don't need to leave your blog link or put the whole 'follow me and I will follow you' business as your comment with make them want to check our your own blog.

Get involved 
I guess this just backs up the first two points. But constantly leaving comments, asking questions on Email, talking to people via Email and different beauty forums will get you in the loop of blogging and get you noticed more. 

Become easy to find on search engines
 Promoting your blog isn't just about talking to other bloggers. Over time you will find more and more internet users becoming readers through finding you on Google and the like. So make sure your titles are unique and you add keywords into each post you write. Also if you want your images to be found via Google make sure to rename them with what is in the actual image. 

Build good content 
The more you blog and build a great blog the more people that will come to it and stay. So don't rush it or have an aim of so many followers by the end of your first month of blogging or even year of blogging. Just take it slow. 

Help out other bloggers 
It is easy to think you need to put all your efforts into your own blog, but if you like another blog, write a post on it or re-tweet posts by different bloggers you like on Email. They may just one day do the same for you and it will show your enthusiasm! 

Join other sites 
Joining sites such as Bloglovin'Tumblr and We Heart It that don't take up too much of your time can really get other people finding your blog. 

I think the key point to the chat was GET INVOLVED but don't spam! It can be hard to know what people see as spamming when you are starting out but just be genuine and focus on getting to know other bloggers and getting involved rather than posting continuous comments asking people to look at your blog. 

If you want to know more about the #bbloggers weekly chat just click here

Next Sunday's topic at 8-9pm (GMT +1) will be on Photography Tips as so many people wanted to see this in an upcoming chat! 

So I hope you can all join in then!

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