Topics Choices for bbloggers Email Chat No.5

I'm so so late with this post, however I've basically had no idea of what topics to pick this week so all the topics below have come from a few lovely Email followers. So as this is very late minute, please do tell me via the comments or Email which topic you like the sound of the most! 

Also a lot of people have been asking me when the #bbloggers chat actually is - it's every Sunday at 8-9pm GMT+1 with a different topic each week. 

So here are the topic choices for tonight

Writing good content & staying inspired to blog - This is quite a broad topic but something I think we can all go through from time to time. So it's all about give each other tips and tricks on how not to get repetitive with posts and how to keep ourselves motivated!      
The best and worst of beauty blogging - I was tempted to just use the best of blogging but as it is a big friendly chat I thought it would be good for us all to air out thoughts on both the good and bad of blogging to make it more balanced! Though I hope the good definitely out weighs the bad!

Time management - Someone suggested this via Email and I instantly thought what a good topic it would make, just to find out how people organise themselves and even how long they spend on a single blog post! I also think for those that are lacking in the time management department (i.e me) it could be very beneficial! 

Really hope you can join in with the chat tonight and please do tell me which topic you prefer!

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